Structure of Devon YFC

What YFC is about

YFC – Young Farmers Club – is an organisation that dates back to the 1920’s and was started to give young people in the countryside a way of socialising with other young people in their areas. Today there are 644 clubs in England and Wales, 38 of which are in Devon alone!

What we get up to

The main function of the clubs these days is exactly the same, but today YFC offers young people so much more than just a social life.

By joining a Young Farmers Club you open the door to a world of opportunity where you can meet new people, learn skills, help the community, travel abroad, compete in many competitions from simple club vs club formats all the way up to national level, and of course the opportunity to have a great time doing it all!

The other key attribute of YFC is that the members of clubs are the ones who run them. Not only is this another opportunity to learn and to gain new experience which could prove handy on a CV, but it also means that clubs only do those things that they feel are fun and important.

Young Farmers Clubs (YFC) gives you a great opportunity to socialise and make many new friends. There are literally hundreds of YFC events every year ranging from local YFC discos to the Christmas Ball.

Being a YFC member provides you with a network of friends to share ideas and transport to help you get out and about.

There are many sports in which members can take part such as football, rugby, netball, hockey, ten pin bowling, tug of war and many more. Sports are a great way to meet other members.

The competitions are open to a mixture of ages. Some sports have age categories. Always remember the aim of the game is to enjoy it!

Many clubs undertake a Countryside Action Project. These are usually based on local ideas aimed at improving the local environment or helping the community, all being eligible for local and National awards.

Projects are hard work, but everyone has plenty of fun and gains a sense of achievement.

As a member you will have many opportunities to learn lots of new skills as part of your club programme, ranging from public speaking and debating to car maintenance or a range of certificated professional qualifications.

On completion of Skills for Life projects you will receive a YFC Certificate of Achievement, which could help you in job seeking.


Performing Arts



Both Local and National Charities benefit from charity work undertaken by YFC throughout Devon. Events range from sponsored bike rides (on five man bikes !) to bed pushes to plastic duck races.

These events are always full of FUN and raise thousands of pounds each year for worthwhile causes!

Every year each club has the opportunity to perform a panto, drama or an entertainments production, this involves the whole club from acting and performing to designing and building the props and scenery. Carnival floats can be another exciting way of joining in with local public events.

Do you want to be involved in an International Experience? Yes? Well, if you are a Young Farmer trips vary from Club & County exchanges to Cultural and Homestay tours.

Each year Devon YFC holds both a junior and senior scholarship. In recent years this has involved trips to Sweden, Slovenia, Latvia and many more European countries. We also give members the opportunity to take part in an American homestay visit.

Each year Devon YFC holds a training weekend for all Club and Group Chairmen and Secretaries, offering training ranging from creating club programmes to how to chair a meeting. We also offer treasurer training, as well as a whole host of different training courses in collaboration with Bicton College.